Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Happy Birthday Codey!!!
You're finally TWO years old!!
which makes you...
14 doggie years:)

Mom and I went to the new mcdonalds at west coast park
only to meet BigbroGeek there and all..
Bought breakfast as well as a sausage-egg mcmuffin
for our dearest Birthday Girl today:)
Pity it was raining, if not we could have brought her along.
Anyway, came home and gave Codey her Mcmuffin:)
She was so happy that her whole butt was shaking
from wagging her tail so much!
And she was soo happy that she ept jumping and leaping around!
hahaha..that codey..
Gonna go for dance later, so i've gotta go get ready!
Promise i'll update about my doggie-dear's special day!
Later peeps!

Posted by Jamie at Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Not really in the mood to write
considering the fact that
I've been dancing from last monday till today
and from 7 to 6...
Its tiring, trust me.
Waking up each day to the aches and strains..
Thinking that my four limbs have degenerated
and that they're no longer intact with the rest of my body..
it was worth the fun and all
the many laughs and trips to the primary schools..
going mad in the bus
and of course
Audrey's " DISCO!!!"
with everybody doing that..awfully silly action..
Oh well it was fun:)
Tomorrow's gonna be stale as usual.
Getting our report books back..
And my PBL group,
thanks to Mrs Neo has to do that stupid presentation again
and now its gonna have to be 20 minutes long
and in front of the British Council People.
Thanks alot Mrs Neo.Thanks SO much.
What a wonderful way to end the school year..
Still there's more to life i guess.
Induction soon
dance camps and intensive trainings
courses, projects, blah blah blah...
still wondering if i should go for church camp.

Guess i need that now that my life is

Oh phoowee.

Posted by Jamie at Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Friday, October 22, 2004

~dedicated to my beloved fellow dancers:) , my dearest class 2C2 and everyone who may be able to relate to this..

[Break Away...]*

Grew up in a small town,
And when the rain would fall down,
I'd just stare out my window.
Dreaming of what could be,
And if I'd end up happy,I would pray.

Try hard to reach out,
But when I tried to speak out,
Felt like no-one could hear me.
Wanted to belong here,
But something felt so wrong here.
So I'd pray,I could break away.

I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly,
I'll do what it takes till I touch the sky,
And I'll make a wish, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away.

Out of the darkness and into the sun,
But I won't forget all the ones that I love.
I'll take a risk, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away.

Wanna feel the warm breeze,
Sleep under a palm tree,
Feel the rush of the ocean,
Get onboard a fast train,
Travel on a jetplane,
Faraway, and break away.

I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly,
I'll do what it takes till I touch the sky,
And I'll make a wish, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away.
Out of the darkness and into the sun,
I won't forget all the ones that I love.
I've gotta take a risk, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away.

Buildings with a 100 floors,
Swinging around revolving doors,
Maybe I don't know where they'll take me.
But I gotta keep moving on, moving on,
Fly away, break away.

I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly,
Tho its not easy to tell you goodbye.
Gotta take a risk, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away.
Out of the darkness and into the sun,
But I won't forget the place I come from.
I've gotta take a risk, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away.

Break away, break away

Posted by Jamie at Friday, October 22, 2004

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

If only.
If only you'd be honest about it
If only you could be open about it
If only you would tell me
If only i knew how you feel.

Truth be told
I always thought i knew how you felt
The time spent with you
Though short but sweet nonetheless.
We became great friends
Sharing memories, great times, laughs and all.
And then we grew further apart.
What was it that made this happen?
Being caught in our own worlds?
Or mere fate?
I ask you.

Now everytime i think about your face
I think about joy..
Then i think about what could have happened..
And I continue this self-decieving
Till i finally fall into my sound nights of silence.

And then i wake up
to the stillness of the room,
And realise
that it would never happen.

i continue this wishful thinking
and i wake up each day telling myself
Its another perfect day.

Someone slap me.

Posted by Jamie at Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Monday, October 18, 2004

A depressing day for all.
Results Day.
Sounds weird but oh well.yes.
Tears were shed
Hugs were shared
And still everyone feels so, so down.

Grades arent the only thing in life,
Yes, there's so much more.
Yet..why does everyone,
even i,
take it like its the end of the world?
When I got my results,
I cried.
SO hard.
Thank God for my windbreaker.
Its illogical.
Sometimes effort does not equal result,
And worse still in my case,
They're inversely proprtional.
Its like no matter how much i do
Or how hard i try,
my best just isnt enough...

Of course not all my results were depressing..
just some of them.
Those that i placed most of my stakes on.
I thought i could do it.
I thought I could achieve..
my standards.
Well, I thought wrong.

Unexpected results,
and Jeers-->(prc scholars)
19th October 2004
Results Day

Posted by Jamie at Monday, October 18, 2004

Dance today was:)
first time in so many weeks that i felt my amount of pain..
So wonderful:)
We celebrated laoshi's birthday
and then practiced that fun dance to the Bongo Song..
As well as that gross one:)
and we started training for SYF!
It was so funn!
we were trying to get toughened up for the training..
and now i get my seniors when they say the training's deadly
and that they have to crawl back to school after a day of it..
cos i've experienced only two hours or so of it and..
im beat:)
haha..we did amazing stuff today!
Abstract and totally fun moves..
so fun that all of our ponytails had to be undone cos
our hair was all over the place,
flinging our heads all over the place..
and we looked like complete zombies:P
yeah.performing the spanish ballet in schools for publicity
and we'll be putting up the Bongo dance in Bona Vista on 31st Oct!
So excited:)
anyways..enough for today
gtg, chaos..

Posted by Jamie at Monday, October 18, 2004

Thursday, October 14, 2004

aloha peeps:)
Whoah.feels like i've never touched this in eons man..
ahh.okay,so the post-exam fever's getting into me*grins*
hee.well,its not that blissful actually... still have some people..
Some people hounding at my feet for things like PBL..
oh was great today:) dancing with those "chou"'s are really kewl ya know:)
but now my arms are achin.bleagh.
Haha..laoshi was making me lose my head today during dance:P
SHe kept trying to twist me so that i'd flip right with the chou..
haha.ended up almost losing my life four times:)
anyway..german tomorrow..gonna get our results back=X
i dont wanna get it back man..
okies.induction's gonna start soon:)
Christmas is comin' sooon!!
tarra peeps.
blogg laters!

Posted by Jamie at Thursday, October 14, 2004