Sunday, November 27, 2005
There must be Heaven.I'm sure there is some sort of Bliss,Somehow someway somewhere ,I'm not sure exactly how grand it is,But for sure I know its there.A golden Nirvana with pearly gates,Mansions with falls and flower beds.Blessing and boon, a gift from high, Watch as eternity passes you by.
Angels serenade, their voices resound,Dancing and singing all around,No need for balls of masquerade-For all unbolted and unafraid.That place is sheer happiness they say,All is perfect, pure and true,Your precious beloved will find their way,Somehow back to you.But how could this place possibly exist,If seeing is believing and believing is true?Is heaven really a place on earth?Or was oblivion simply made anew?There is a Utopia, of that im certain,I bow to Faith which binds me true.This unraveling curtain, His godly TavernI just know that there must be Heaven.Limericks of the unrelinquished,Jamie.
Posted by Jamie at Sunday, November 27, 2005
Friday, November 25, 2005
MORE THAN ME. i've been thinking and i've thought about it, i've come to realise that i am alot more than simply me. How many times have we actually taken a good look at ourselves, and thought about the other people in our lives who can actually be found as but a reflection in ouselves, mirrored against our own personality and skeleton? the more i think of it, the more i find myself one colossal collage of other people, bits and pieces of how they've impacted me, sticking out here and there, not completely forming smooth facades, but instead adding colour, array and medley to this massive mess of my ipseity. i guess we all have been thinking way too much about our individuality and how everyone differs so greatly from everyone else. But its seldom that we think about how others may be found within ourselves, and much less how we may in fact be found in others. And so, I've suddenly taken to compiling a mental list of everyone and anyone who has existed in this life of mine, to source out what's in me that is part of them, and to remember that when i stare into the mirror in future, i shouldn't just see me. And one day, maybe, just maybe, this mental manifest will be down in black and white. enumerating the memorandum of imprints,Jamie.
Posted by Jamie at Friday, November 25, 2005
my solace, my alleviation, where i ameliorate and where i hide.
my comfort, my web of warmth and smiles, where all is made right.
my relief, my exhaustion, where joy and pain coalesce, where life is but a dance.
my bliss, my mirth and jewel, where rapture is but a laugh away, where i am caught in trance.
blown and gone as the seeds may seem,
i know it'll last forever,
for the gift of love as God has given
will leave not now nor ever.
so tell me here and tell me now,
for time heeds no man,
the language of love was a God-given gift
dont say you'll tell me never.
gone with the wind- but forget me not,
Posted by Jamie at Friday, November 25, 2005
Monday, November 14, 2005
And so the holidays are here.. the first two weeks of holiday have been whack even though they were mostly eaten up by school-based activities like induction/cip and all.. oh well. Still, it was whack(:Ip chalet definitely marked the beginning of the long-awaited party we've all work so hard for through the year! heh. And i mean party. yes. It was the very essence of madness and insanity.. sleeping at 5:30, waking up at 11.. cooking our very own meals (which turned out to be rather disastrous. qte keen's pizza.ahem.).. bridge, taiti, mahjong, movie marathons and lotsa sceaming! Haha, yep! it was a blast.Three chalets, four classes- ipchalet05.We (05ip02) had unit 02! lucky us. it was like nearest to all the facilities and the reception and all. haha. 03 had unit 09, just a 15.87 second-walk down the cluster of bungalows! (hey there neighbar!) 04 had unit 28...some other part of the universe.heh. haha, anyway. it was really fun!Lessons learnt from this chalet:1) There ARE weird people out there.Yes, there are. Recount: i recieved a call from some weird number, and over the phone came this really weird screechy voice in falsetto going, " hey WASSUP XIAO MEIMEI!" (and this radical phenomenon repeats itself no less than 4 times.) I tell you. it is freaking weird. especially when the voice you hear is supposed to be a GUY'S voice. *COUGHwilbertisgayGOUGH* ahem. WILBERT TEDJA! how DARE you ring on me? Wait. Here's comes the worst bit. We were at 03's unit at around 3:47am celebrating ben's birthday when i intentionally stepped on wilbert's left foot, seeking some sweet vengeance. guess what? That crackpotdodohead immediately fell to his knees crumpled in a heap on the floor, and grabbed his feet, face contorted with what seemed like excruciating PAIN. now, ladies and gentlemen. let me make this clear to you all. i merely stepped on his foot, and wilbert was moaning and groaning on the floor as if i amputated his whole left leg. haha. well, i was kinda shocked, and so i knelt down beside him asking him blah blah blah... and he was like " oh..oh.....arrghh... its- itss... a.. nerve. problem....ahh. ow.. urrrh." RIGHT. well, gullible jamie fell for it, and the next thing i knew, wilbert miraculously resurrected his lousy foot, stepped on mine, and raced up the stairs. like-arrgh?! and so i gave chase, and i saw the toilet door close. genius me decided to pay wilbert some respect and so decided to switch off the lights in the toilet, holding the door firmly so it was locked. and OH MY GOSH- you should have been there. Wilbert was wailing and screaming in the dark toilet, pounding his fists on the door, shouting for someone to save him just because the toilet was DARK and CREEPY. man. i was squirming with laughter.. well, serves him right for prank-calling me and stepping on my foot, as well as faking his lame injury. its not over yet bigbert! you've chosen the fate of impending doom for you have incurred the wrath of the XIAO MEI MEI. so be afraid. VERY AFRAID.2) Bridge/Taiti/Mahjong/uno is really fun.hahaha. went crazy playing bridge. many embarrassing moment. many moments where i failed to redeem myself *coughkimcough*. hey. its an intellectual game okay. at least im not letting my mind rot and be put to waste. haha. 3) Movie marathons are the rule!MAN. i've never watched so 5 movies in two days before! Day one- 3-3:45 pm - the exorcist. (bleagh!) 4-6pm- The patriot. (whoohoo!) the rest of the night- that weird frogprinceturningintoahotguy chinese serial. (haha. we watched the whole SERIAL no sweat.)Day two- 1-3:15am - The last samurai (kim and i screamed so much. the show was fab.) 3:30-5:15am - The princess diaries (haha. all the guys except abel fell asleep halfway through. hmm. i wonder why.) The movie marathon was definitely the best.. I've never talked about movies like that before. like how we'd analyse almost every screenshot, pause it to do comment on mr pringle's moustach, or how spastic tom cruise looked and all. haha. i must say, kim and yilin are really promising moview critics. true blue movie buffs those two! haha. oh and. to the very nice guys like ernest, abel and pua zhirong: THANKS FOR BEING OUR CHAIRS. the movie experience was comfortable for us girls cos we had head rests like zhirong's feet (covered with kilometers of clean blankets of course), but erm. the guys had lotsa cramps. haha. some fell after trying to stand up after the first movie. haha. sadistic us. oh well. thats what men are for. right ladies? ahem. okay glorious public. you didnt need to know that...4) Some people are SOOOOOO scandalous. there was a scandal in practically EVERY chalet! repulsive!- no?*coughterrenceandjoannacough**coughernandsomeoneelsecough**coughmichelleandreginalcough*OH MAN... enough said.5) Screaming is contagious and girls are more horrifying than horror movies.Without a doubt, it SO is. haha. with ip in the house, one needs more than ear muffs to keep one's ears intact. ps. with kim and the rest of 02 girls around, more like. We could hear the chalet vibrate with screams from the bowling alley!! what in the blazes..6) Andrew has nice legs.Genius + Skiny frame + "hot" legs + hairless legs + fair skin = irresistable Andrew Cheong Zhiren. Dont look at me. it wasnt me. it was mr tan.7) I love 05ip02(: I love njip(: this, i believe, needs no explanation.Aber kleines Herz ,baue die Mauer nicht zu hoch und wirf den Schlüssel nicht zu weit.Denn eines Tages wird jemand kommen der dich aus deiner Einsamkeit erlösen,dich glücklich machen und dich nie wieder in die dunkeln Kammern der Einsamkeit zurückstossen wird, jemand der dich wieder lieben wird.Hab keine Angst kleines Herz, und gib die Hoffnung nie aufwhat makes you different-Jamie, out.
Posted by Jamie at Monday, November 14, 2005
Saturday, November 05, 2005
IP induction!! What can i say!haha. it was nothing short of a success(: It was really fun and i kinda lost my voice.. haha. Lets see... Ah. it started off with me lugging this troll-sized bag of prizes (for the treasure hunt later on in the day) to school, meeting the rest of the registratin booth peeps n ushers at the linkway. Slacked around for awhile, talked to kim and gossiped about lame celebs i had never heard of =P (GAWH KIM... if i've never heard of them, how much more famous can they get?? now really...haha.) Met mr tan n keen's darling mr-cool-guy aka Jerad/mr POOOON. and registration prep started. I was seated with (of all people) Ben and rayshio. MAN! i could die. hahaha. well, it was really fun.. except for the fact that rayshio was perpetually driving me up the wall, albeit his very effecient handling of the money (hah. i wonder why;P). And my premonition of us knocking over wilbert's over-contaminated cup of milo came true! (like duuhhh.) haha. oh. that cup of milo was sick. i dunno HOW many people drank from it. like now and then someone would come to our table and go "hey can i have a sip?" and we'd all snigger and go "...yeah sure..." HAHA. ahem. okay. My glorious public! you did not need to know that. moving on...IP SKIT.KUDOS to you guys man! it was one of the best skits i've ever seen! HAHA. it was really really really good. considering the fact that we put it up in like what- two hours? man ip dudes and dudettes totally bring the house down man((: Special kudos to:-gimlim n shihui for directing the awesome play-kenneth n xuanD for their awfully hilarious HCI part.. and not forgetting kenneth's "CONFUCIOUS SAY!" ! haha. that sent me falling off the LT chairs pealing with laughter man(:-celle, lou n cat! you girls totally showed the glorious public what SCspirit it like EH? haha. it was *in cat's bimbo voice* really really really really really really good(: haha.-Ben, Abel (oi vena cava!), n Joel, the never-will-make-it acsi failure-posers! haha((: ben and his ipod rocked. and of course that "slow down my man, dont insult The HAIR!!" followed by xuanD's "yeah? well.. dont insult DA SHORTS! *kenneth n xd pull their pants up in that exaggerated manner*" part really sent me rolling off the LT chair squirming with laughter. (you guys can bear witness). heh(:-kudos too, to the lovely light n sounds darrlings! Gloria and peixin! you guys really added all th magic((:Next up was mass dance! This first round of mass dance was not exactly fully perked up..but fun nonetheless.. everyone screaming and dancing in the linkway.. haha. our juniors most probably having their firsts at holding a hand of the opposite gender. still remember the constipated looks on their faces. God have mercy on them..teach them and guide them. May the gentlemen learn well that:"Thou art never to do outrageousity, nor murder, and always to flee from treason, by no means to be cruel, and always to do LADIES, DAMSELS and GENTLEWOMEN SUCCOUR.""Charity, abstinece and truth."Haha..that aside, i believe one of the most hilarious things that happened was when mrs tan started making fun of keen and her heart-felt admiration for zile (a supposedly "really cute" china scholar with sweaty sticky shiny yet sexy muscles.- yes i know. what cruel irony.).This insightful epic unfolds somewhat like this:Keen : *oggling and zile* mrs taaaannnn... he's so cute!! look at his MUSCLESS....Mrs tan: aiyoh please lah mei keen..Mrs tan: *signals for zile to come here* hey Boy! come here, come here.Keen: ?!?!?! *watches zile trudge across the dancing mass*Mrs tan: Boy, what's your name?Keen: *still bewildered* ...Mrs tan: okay. *slaps mei keen on the arm* meet mei keen. she's your senior and she thinks your hot. Keen: *now utterly embarrassed/pissed/stunned* -gaggs- woi! *whispers* wah lau! mrs tan! its not only me okayeeeee!! xiachen too!Mrs tan: OH. OH-KAYY... well. xiaochen too. *smiles sweetly at puzzled zile*Keen: ~!@#$%^&* mrs taaaannnn?!?!Station games/ TREASURE HUNT.Okay! I believe this was the most filthystinkyreekygrotesque part of the day. GAMES.haha. trust a bunch of 144 ip1's to come up with the grossest stuff on earth as games. haha.Some games included smearing butter/soap/flour on our already drenched and blindfolded juniors.. others would include making them wade a tub of one part mudplussoilplusdirtplusleavesanddeadtwigsplustissuepaperplussoap added to two parts water. Some included sliding juniors along soaped-benches on their bellies to ultimately reach a watermelon and eat it without hands. Another game which might have been less filthy was no less gross! haha. yes, 05's station was simple yet deadly. passing the pocky stick! haha. guys to be placed btw two girls... a pocky stick to be passed mouth to mouth.. a bite to taken with every pass.. and guess what. shortest pocky stick still not covered with saliva marks the winner! haha. EEEW. charlyn told me the shortest pocky stick which survived was like one-eighth her last finger! HAHA. oh man. our juniors are the rule!(: way to go juniors!Anyway... after elaine yunbing n i dismissed the whole lot of ipsies to start on the treasure hunt, i was walking happily to my 02's station to pop by n see how things were.. little did i know that some crazy people happily got themselves wet even before everything began (yessss stationmasters!) and started running toward me trying to hugggg meeee. *screams* hahahaha. OH GAWSH. i was screaming and running for my life! barefooted! on the track!!!! rahrr!! and they eventually sandwiched the shrieking me leaving me all URRGHED! hahaha((: was really funnaye tho. I sat on the makeshift slide again, just as i sat there two days before induction, this time hearing the screams and laughter of not only my friends and fellow ip1s..but i heard foreign voices, somewhat raw squeals and shouts.. voices which, unlike those of my fellow commrades, couldnt be recognised. Then the harsh reality smacked me square in my face. IM NOT GONNA BE AN IP1 ANYMORE. waaaahhh))': nooooo. and suddenly i felt really sad and all.. but this queer twist in it all brought me to realise that it would be fun to have juniors i guess((: and so i just laid myself on that bench, still wet from the hugging.. and tried to think about stuff until some idiot anticlimax dweeb came along. i heard huijun go:"hey jamie..the weather's really nice today huh?" and im like:" huh? haha... yep it is" and i opened my eyes t gaze at the sky... and the next moment i saw that COW JOHN SONG and his cheeky face grining down at me. and then *SPLAT*. great. there was foam and soap ALL OVER MY FACE AND SHIRT. *ROAR*and that's when the chaos theory was put to practice. All of hell broke loose if i might say so myself, and the rest of the day was simply whack.Italian dinner(:It was really cool.. there were candles in glasses which said" IP induction 2006" on them on the tables.. cool music, johnson's band.. westerndance((: (yesh hollaback girl rocked didnt it?haha. i screwed up one bit of it tho=P), andre's cheesy pickuplines for all who wanna become gentlemen like him. haha. "..Ip's all about LOVE man! What's missing is da connections between the guys n girls man!" and that starts off the pickup-lining... haha.HORRID man. Last mass dance(:haha. danced with john. (ROAR!) haha. stepped on his foot like i think 6382.971 times. haha. SORRY JOHN. *cough* well, it was fun for what's worth. mass dance is always fun! Well.. i'll never forget this induction.. all the hours spent at kap and in school with the other ctreps organizing this huge event for our darling juniors(: I really hope you guys enjoyed it dear juniors! haha. oh. btw. 06ip02 rooools. i think i lost my voice cheering with them.WHO YOU WANNA BE YEAH?! Cheers to a great success, for which would have never been possible without you guys njip(:I love you guys njip! ((:WHO P? WE P! WHO P? YOU P! WHO P?I P!!!!
Posted by Jamie at Saturday, November 05, 2005