Saturday, December 31, 2005
Resolutions resolved.
The glorious public might not have the privilage of viewing it but,
I have reflected well and hard about the past year.
My resolutions for the new year- resolved.
Bring it on 2006.
I'm game. A Happy, Happy New Year to all.In His fervor and mine,Jamie
Posted by Jamie at Saturday, December 31, 2005
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Of presentations and Chipengs.Signs that the sky is falling:1. I havent revised any german since school ended2. My aunt is here and my older brother is bunking in my room3. My mom is getting this pair of fascinatingly FUNKY reading glasses4. Dad says " Y is for 'YOYOYO! WHAZZUP! WHAZZUP?!' "5. The new school year is about to beginSigns that the sky hasnt fallen yet:1. I can still count from 1 to 10 in german2. I am getting a pair of obnoxiously funky spectacles too3. I have watched Narnia twice4. I can still fit into my old pairs of jeans so maybe... nah.5. The new school year might be starting, but i have no schoolwork to complete.(Take that you express chinese people! HAAAAAAAH.)Signs that I can still live even though the sky is falling:1. Our Korea presentation was a bomb2. Today will be my third time watching Narnia3. I have dance to look forward to next year4. Being fat has its advantages too(yes like if im on a ship and it sinks, i'll have a higher chance of floating.)5. My brother will be out of my room in... five daysThings to laugh about today:1. Me watching Narnia for the third time2. My slow and steady process of evolving into a living lipid3. The korea gang's newest swear word, courtesy of Miss Ho: Chipeng!4. I still cannot believe DJ utt is gay5. The korea VideoThings to do today:1. Start thinking about my new year resolutions2. Get ready or school3. Wonder about how transition lenses work4. Forget about my traumatising sauna experience in korea5. Delay my lipidation process...somehow.
Posted by Jamie at Thursday, December 29, 2005
Friday, December 23, 2005
The Friggin-Tagged speaks..some weird person with a deprived childhood just HAD to tag me. that was of no particular reference to anybody, especially not to anyone whose name starts with g and end with imlim. Rules:- 5 random facts about you- list another 5 people you wanna tag- leave a comment on their tagboard about being taggedokay.... here goes then.5 random facts:1. I have a mom who cheats and screams in card games. She also happens to be gimlim's biggest fan.2. I have a brother who makes a living out of bullying me and thinks gimlim's shoes are nice. He took photos of gimlim's shoes and plans to buy them.3. I have a beautiful golden retriever named codey who is almost perfect except for the fact that she likes hitting on gimlim.4. I have(or had) a white wall outside my room. It was stained with red face paint yesterday from the grubby fingers of gimlim while attempting to discolour my face. 5. I HATE GIMLIM.5 people i am about to tag:1. gimlim2. gimlim3. gimlim4. gimlim5. hmmm...this time..howabout.. GIMLIM!die gimlim. die.i am very amiable on christmas eve,Jamie.
Posted by Jamie at Friday, December 23, 2005
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
BACK ( :
oh man. i SO miss korea. I miss all the fun we had screaming and falling and hurting our bums and knees while learning to snowboard. i miss freezing in the blistering cold. i miss eating churros in the cold. i miss going high at night when all the ip1s would crash a room and go crazy and laugh over almost everything. i miss my homestay family so much. (i dont really miss how they stuffed elaine and i with food though.) i miss... snowfighting with the crazy ips and with our trainers. i miss so many things.
Well, here's a really long entry ahead as a tribute to what fun we had in korea(:
Flight to korea
I sat with Karen, apparently a j2, and we made so much noise in the plane. haha. dont ask me why. we were like the only ones who werent sleeping or resting on the flight to bangkok.heh. oops. anyway, we took a second flight to incheon which was 7hours after waiting in transit- that spent on bridge and bluff at the gate. ps. Jo CANNOT play bluff. Anyway, we left for incheon and on the plane i sat with Ben, behind gimlim and jo. The view when arriving at incheon was really good. haha. yeah, it was worth all the nonsense from gimlim we had to put up with! Can you imagine sitting behind gimlim? he's so full of garbage! he was grabbing our feet from the seat in front of us, and occasionally i would awake in a shock to this sinister, sadistic, totally horrifying face staring at me in that lunatic manner, only to realise it was gimlim trying to be himself. haha.
Daemyung Ski Resort
The few days we spent at the sk resort were simply great. Im serious, the ip1s really had a blast there. Every morning we'd wake up and we'd be whisked straight for training... we'd hit the slopes and snowboard till lunch and we'd snowboard more till the eveing came and the slopes were under the cover of the frosty night. it was really cold and all. our hands were frozen stiff and numb till they hurt, but when we mounted our snowboards and hit the snow, it just went away. the ski instructors were really accomodating. they sure had a hard time trying to explain everything to us, but we had won young! yeah. he rawks man. and rayshio: I SO DO NOT LIKE OLD MEN. won young is funny okay. and so is uncle dennis! pooo you! well, i guess the best part of our lessons was when we had "breaks" and all the ip1's would go crazy and start waging cold wars and all. bombarding our instructors and each other with snow, stuffing snow down each others' backs and throwing snow at each others' faces. it was freaking cold and you'd be totally stunned. trust me. elaine took a picture of gimlim doing just that to me. haha. yep, we built snow balls- just one actually, a huge one. hurled it at the smu people i think. hahaha. we made a snow face and wrote NJ IPEE in the snow! the pic looked so cool. it was like the korean version of "The mummy." with that face rising from the sand, just this from snow. haha. We went night snowboarding in the icy night of around -20 plus degrees. it was SO fun. to many hilarious epics of us crashing into each other (DIE JOHN! roar!), screaming "WEETING!! WEETING!! PATTY PATTY!! NOOOO!", that outrageous sight of rayshio tripping on a pile of snow and accidentally flipping and awesome 360degrees in the air and then falling flat on his face in the snow, and best of all- when elaine and i got our snowboards accidentally locked at the heads, and we couldnt free ourselves, and ended up zooming at such extreme speed, down the hill in a V, holding on to each other fro dear life and screaming, going" AHHH!!! WHY ARENT WE FALLING YET!?! AHHH!! WHY ARENT WE FALLING YE- *THUD*" that was downright whack. oh and when we dared gimlim to go give the pinochio person (however you spell that) a hug, gimlim got slapped by it cos it most probably thought gimlim was trying to hit on it=P *cough* i mean.NOTHING! haha. he did eventually. and we all made such a huge fuss outa it.
Gimlim's birthday bash
well, this would most probably be a make up for mr. evil sadist since his birthday in singapore was really bawring and awsomely nothing. After our second cultural night, jo and i rushed to Baskin Robin's to get gimlim a cake. haha. it was more than 10000! (won.) but it was really awesome. it was icecream cake and really really nice. haha. and so jo and i ran and broke into the guys' room while elaine and patty stayed down in the arcade with the guys playing bishibashi (another spastic game we spent alot of time playing.). Jo and I got the cake and the room ready and then we ran back down only to find them still playing bishibashi. (pfft.) We got elaine and weeteng to go up to make sure everything was okay while we stayed down with them. and i thought i blew the whole thing cos i said " YEAH THE CAKE'S INT HE FRIDGE" so loudly right behind gimlim, but i guess he was too absorbed in bishibashi to hear me. phew. hahaha. after that, we went crazy and went to play bumper cars. would you believe it?? crazy 15 year olds screaming and bellowing from within bumpercars. haha. spastic. well i was a sitting duck. but it wasnt my fault that i couldnt manouver that colossal four wheeled thing called a "car"! hrmph! hahaha. it was traumatising, how i was in the middle of nowhere, and i saw rayshio coming for me from the left, gimlim from the front, and ben from the back. i was just screaming for dear life. hahaha. it was fun though. well, that done with, jo and i made up some lame excuse and ran up to the guys' room and waited for rayshio's blaring voice in the hallway so that we could be tipped off that seah was coming. haha. it was fun. i think he made up a lie that ms ho was really mad and called for an immediate meeting or smth. haha. good one rayshio! well, the rest of the night was pure whack. the cake was great, we played bridge and asshole taidi where ben was totally owning the game and we went high watching some gay people wrestle on the tv. and ben was fiddling with the controls on tht tv and it totally cracked us up. i think i was the only one who say the golfer guy anddoing something funny. jo and i were laughing till we couldnt breathe anymore. jo's head started aching from laughing too much. haha. there was this huge commotion about zhirongs sausage! eew! gross. and how we made gimlim eat it. (bwahaha. so many videos.) and MAN. i had the first bite of it. elaine just had to take a photo of that.. haha yeah. it was really whack. so you kinda can imagine what rubbish we get up to at night huh? 8ips in one room, in total ecstacy, high and laughing at almost everything. it was fabbb.
After our last day in daemyung ski resort, we headed to chuncheon to meet our host families. i was homestaying with elaine and it was really fun to have her as a homestay mate! ( : haha. yep. it must have been korean culture to stuff guest with food cos onces we arrived at home, Hemoni (grandma) came with this huge try of cookies, chocolates, ice cream and all sorts of garbage food! it was so good! and elaine and i couldnt resist it=P haha. the kids were so sweet! they folded paper cranes for me and elaine!(: so pretty. we were folding paper planes and boats and watching tom and jerry where elaine and i almost fell asleep but still continued to watch cos the kids were happy i guess!heh. and byoung yong would come up to me and stick up 4 fingers. "four more." *plops dead on floor* haha. we watched the same thing the next morning while having breakfast, before we left for a ashort city tour. Apa (dad) brought us to this really cool lake which was frozen, so we were like sliding and falling and slipping on the ice.. you could actually see through the layers! haha. there were people fishing too. on ice. We went to Nami Island where they shot the winter sonata thingo and took many awesome pictures(: it was so cold that my hands were frozen with my knuckles white and i couldnt even control my muscles so much so that we could hold a spastic-hand chestnut peeling competition and i would still lose. haha. yes people, it was that cold.
Flight Back
The flight back to bangkok was really funny, ben, patty, gim and i sat in the middle and didnt sleep the whole 7hours. crazy huh? gimlim bought SO much chocolate and we were totally pigging out there. haha. we played bridge and i was obsessed with gimlim's gameboy and so i played pokemon on the plane! haha. oh joy. what pure maturity. I had a wrumple named rayshio. another weird chicken like creature named gimlim and when rayshio took over, a weird lilypad-headed thingamajig named jamie. haha. oh and the main character was named WOOSA. haha. oh lameness. We transfrerred at bangkok and did some serious shopping. i spent i think 675baht there. haha. oh well. the flight back to singapore was okay. i sat next to rayshio the bayshio. haha. did some talking with that fella, had a discussion on definitions of clean and all. that guy was so lame. well, the highlight of the day (or night rather) was when we arrived and when i saw my anti-kimchified family as i came out of the arrival hall and guess what? That lou xu zai was there waiting with my brother! ahhh! haha shockshockhorrorhorror. haha. was seriously stunned. i was wondering what he was doing there!! haha, well i was very touched. thanks for comin ter fetch me from the airport((: haha
Well im really glad to be back from korea though i really miss it. haha. i think the 8 ips really bonded during the trip haha(: went out yesterday with THE ip gang. haha. watch kingkong. it was a pretty good movie (YESS RAYSHIO) even though the beginning was too draggy and jo was screaming too much. haha. it was fun. i met him at taka and played hide and seek with his weird stjohns stalkers. so creepy. haha. well yeah. this korea trip was sure a blast(: never ever wanna forget any of it.
Take home lesson which I brought home :
Snowboarding sure was a new experience as a winter sport, looking down from the top of the snowslope was traumatising enough for me. the road to finally mastering the sport was no mean feat. but i guess i learnt that well,
we might fall alot more and alot harder, but we would learn alot faster too.
Homestaying with a family which spoke little english definitely brought about barriers, a language barrier for one. But I've learnt that such a turf could be broken with the most universal of languages-
Body language.
View the online photo album:
Posted by Jamie at Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Monday, December 12, 2005
Korea Ski trip 2005(:
20 crazy nj students. 8 crazy ip ones. Hitting the icy slopes of Chuncheon, Korea. 7 days.Anyung higehsaeyo!(:
Posted by Jamie at Monday, December 12, 2005
Friday, December 09, 2005
What does a lady need? (Men, please read.)
For every civilization or society, be it ancient or present, there are some simple things its inhabitants are required to adhere to in order for the continuance of its existance. Reproduction, childbirth- that one love shared by a mother and husband, a passionate, lasting treasure we humans acknowledge as love.For love to light the air, what a lady needs is a man. Not just any man who seems humanely common, but a man who is at the same time her friend, her comfort, her guide, her protector, her advocate and worthy counsel, a bag of laughs when she needs one, her moral backbone- someone who values the same goals and virtues as she does. What a lady needs is a man who can turn the world around for her. What a lady needs, is someone who knows what she needs, when she needs it.What a lady needs, is a Gentleman.How many times have we heard, " Ladies and Gentlemen, a round of applause...."How many times have we heard, " Gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts!"How many times do we hear the word Gentlemen being used in our everyday lives?But tell me, how many times, exactly, have we seen real gentlemen in our modern society?I for one can safely say well, almost never.I was watching pocahontas 2 (is that how you spell it?) and there was this character, John Ralph, who exuded exactly what young men today so badly lack. I remember watching his animated character from behind the screen, and i thought about how neat his ponytail looked, how very soothing his voice was, peppered with the right choice of words, and oh when he bowed- its so.. unnaturally captivating. I don't know, sue me for being so old-fashioned and all, but i seriously think our society lacks proper men. Men who know how to be gracious, how to pull chairs for ladies and men who coo, " Ladies first." , men who are civilised and presentable, men who have poise and men who hold distinct stature. Yes ladies, our society needs Gentlemen!I fancy Victorian gentlemen who dress up in handsome coats, Victorian gentlemen who know how to ask a lady to dance politely, and not just simply, " woi sally. i got no partner. how?" (YES. all you boys who have done just that can go practice asking girls for mass dance properly in front of the mirror.NOW.). I am impressed by men who know where and when to put their boyishness away, and when to stash that manly pride aside- yes that pride many men just cannot live without. I fancy men who come humbly despite their wealth, fame or title. I am captured by men whose eyes are on all his company; he is tender towards the bashful, gentle towards the distant, and merciful towards the absurd. What makes a Gentleman?Well, the True Gentleman (i believe many of us ladies are looking for) is, or can be:The man whose conduct proceeds from good will and an acute sense of proprietyWhose self-control is equal to all emergencies; who does not make the poor man conscious of his poverty, the obscure man of his obscurity, or any man of his inferiority or deformity;Who is himself humbled if necessity compels him to humble another; Who does not flatter wealth, cringe before power, Or boast of his own possessions or achievements; Who speaks with frankness but always with sincerity and sympathy; Whose deed follows his word; Who thinks of the rights and feelings of others, rather than his own; Who appears well in any company.And lastly,The True Gentleman is a man with whom honor is sacred and virtue safe.- John Walter Wayland (Virginia 1899) Yes Ladies, I know its often rare and highly unlikely for any of us to chance across a fine young man who exudes the stature of the a gentleman of the Victorian era. Few of us may be lucky enough to find one in the 20th century. (yes i know. pity isn't it?)Damsels, if you are still the virgin flower fresh from bloom, you now know what quality we have always been and always will be entitled to. Don't settle for second best! Choose the right one, and chose him well. Ladies, if you are already taken and no longer vacant, this is merely a fantasy of what men could be like. Love who you're with for what he is, and don't expect him to change for you. Remember at heart that even though your darling may not be the perfect Victorian Gentleman who serenades you with poetry and hand written letters, you should love him anyway.And boys, please. Be educated.Be sensitive.Be well-mannered.Be civilised.
Be a Gentleman.So be a man! Do the right thing. TODAY!Damsel in Distress,Jamie out.
Posted by Jamie at Friday, December 09, 2005
BREAK.OMG. someone save me. Went for dance today. and for once, it was acutally (extremely) physically challenging. Met at 8:30 at the grandstand for morning runs..proceeded to the gym after that. warm up was.. merciless turmoil. We went through some steps and the floorwork. my feet and legs were dying due to the 9hour shopping marathon my mom and i had yesterday around orchard road IN HEELS. Well, i think our soundtrack for the competition really is very cool. especially the metallica part. its so...eerie.and its like heavy metal. and guess what? We're having ballerina's prance around to that. impressive no? Haha. well, the highlight of today was definitely the fact that i learnt how to break! yep! believe it or not, i did. (even though i looked like a hippo on the floor) It was pretty fun. Our instructor's boyfriend was here to teach us exactly but adi taught me most of the stuff. and so I AM PROUD TO SAY that i have successfully learnt the six step, the freezes, and some other fascinating floor movements which gave my bum a bruise spa. oh well. Jenhui and sock were teaching us the mass dance for orientation next year! haha. it was so fun. regina was my partner=P she was the guy. haha. (well, she is taller.) was so funny. LUCKY J1's-TO-BE.
Big TicktocksFour to KoreaSixteen to XmasTwentytwo to 2006One to-morrow.
Posted by Jamie at Friday, December 09, 2005
Monday, December 05, 2005
MI MORENAby Josh Groban
And so my loveFrom my window I can see a beautiful vision And when the music playsYour body rises like a bird of graceMi morena
I saw you dancing in the rainHoly water shining like a silver flameCome like a ghostI will watch you dance aloneMi morena, you're the light within my soul.And so my loveThe way you're moving in your dressTo a nylon guitar on wings of silk and laceYou lift upon the notes and slip awayMi morena
I saw you dancing in the rain Holy water shining like a silver flameCome like a ghostI will watch you dance aloneMi morena, you're the light within my soulTake this cross of feathers and boneTake this heart I've carved in stoneIn your nameWhere the setting sun surrenders to the moonMi querida, I wait for you Mi morena I saw you dancing in the rain Holy water shining like a silver flame Come like a ghost
I will watch you dance alone
Mi morena, you're the light within my soul
Mi morenaHold your hands out to the nightBe my lover, I will fall into your eyesSweet fire of loveFor you I'd steal the stars 'Cause I adore you, o my morena
Posted by Jamie at Monday, December 05, 2005
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Things We Can Learn From a Dog.When Loved ones come, always run to greet them. Run, romp. and play daily. Be loyal.Never pretend to be something you're not. If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.Delight in the simple joy of seeing your loved ones around.Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.No matter how often you are criticized, don't buy into the guilt thing and pout.Run right back and make friends.Ahhh. finally! A dance-free day, well earned and deserved after hours of hobbling on high heels, swishing and prancing around on stage in sassy skirts. No more disastrous calamities from those damned high heels, no more teeth-chattering while waiting in the ballroom during rehearsals. Let's put it this way- Grad Night is over.
Masquerades 2005 was really whack! It was held in one of the most grandiose ballrooms at swissotel, complete with glistening decor dangling in the most elegant manner. scented candles floating in glass casseroles of water, illuminating the air in the waiting room to achieve just the right mood. There was this guy,- gosh what an awesome pianist- he played on the polished grand piano in the waiting room, filling it with such glorious music that i had no choice but to just stand there at gape. His fingers were seriously skilled in this fondling with the black and white on the keyboard. i had to take my hat off to him, just that well- i had no hat. haha. The coucillors did a great job at the reception tables(: gloria looked stunningly different, but extremely elegant with her nice flower attached to her wrist. Many interesting pictures of her, but yes, abstain i shall.
By around a quater to seven, our J2 seniors, clad in the most glamorous of gowns and suits, were already filing into the opulent (if i might say so myself) waiting room, accepting drinks and cocktail graciously offered by the banquet waitresses, chit-chatting and small talking excitedly while admiring and fondling over each others' apparel. The atmosphere was simply amazing. The thought that kept coming back to me was, obviously: I cant imagine myself in one of those three years from now.
Our dance was the opening dance, it really managed to set the mood right, with our ballroom dances and sizzling sassy salsa. It was really glam with all the lights and the powerful sound system sending our hearts thumping with every pulse. Oh but did i mention this? IT WAS FREAKING COLD. during rehearsals, my stomach was trembling, my teeth were chattering, and my skin became the fabric of goose bumps. gaahh. it was so cold. and while others brought jackets, i was stuck with nothing other than my black halter, revealing my neck, back, shoulders and arms. oh, how very helpful!
bleaaghh. dang. even my earwax was about turn into popsicles. Still, as performers, we werent exactly allowed the privelage of enjoying what our seniors deserved and so back into the holding room we retired to mostly after the reception, breaking out in games of bridge, singing to adi's guitar-strumming, or (for girls) using all means to secure and hold in place our life-jackets if you know what i mean. (aHAH. MINE DIDNT DROP IN THE END! regina was right. talking to a woman's best friend does keep it in place! -snigger.) Well, i guess no one really would notice, even if it did so happen to
drop on stage=P. heh. i know someone's did;) *winkwink*Ahh. i really am rather glad grad night is over. i will not and simply cannot go back to school everyday of the week for dance anymore. enough is enough. anyway, danceworks next year is gonna be our next big event. Lotsa pain and hardwork is instore im sure. not that i mind, but next year's a really important year for the ip's too. Just wondering if it'll hinder my progress or worse still tug my toes till i finally sink. Oh well, as some wise dude once said, let tomorrow worry for itself. As for now, I'm just really excited about our trip to korea! Haha, we're talking about snow-capped mountians of snow, freezing temperatures, a foreign land and 20 Nj students. Simply cant wait. I wonder what mischief us ip kiddos will get up to. -chuckles- Believe it or not, its my first time in any Asian country besides malaysia! I've gone on holidays to places far beyond the waters of asia, but never before have i set foot on another asian country besides singapore and malaysia. But then again, how different can it be? hmm. I hear they live on kimchi and they dont even have half that many hot guys as they show on tv. (my mom would beg to differ.) Oh well. its eleven days to korea then! But we should all live life by the minute, so till my land of kimchi and glistening snow, to bed i shall retire, for a nice snug afternoon nap.i think therefore i am,Jamie.
Posted by Jamie at Thursday, December 01, 2005