Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The Rainbow Connection
"Why are there so many
songs about rainbows,
And what's on the other side?"
Jamie: Hey girls(: i'm sitting in the bus now and staring out the window and i see this awesomely gorgeous rainbow in the sky, and i just thought about you girls. If you're at work or in the bus and see the same rainbow, know that i'm staring at the same one and thinking of you! (:
Mel tee: <3 i love you jamie.
Joanna: Oh jamie that's so sweet! Thanks for the thought! Wish i could gaze at it too but unfortunately i'm stuck at my desk. Enjoy it for me! =)
Enqin: i'm indoors! ): But yes! Thanks dear!(:
Jiafang: I just looked out of my window and saw a big beautiful rainbow(: i don't know if its the same one though. But thanks for the sweet sms, i miss you too! Let's meet up soon please(:
10:34pm (A message written to me on msn at 7:03pm)
Shana: do you see that rainbow outside!
Jamie: YES! Omg! I saw the rainbow on the bus! we were staring at the same rainbow! :D
Shana: Yay! It was so cool right? It was so huge even my friends in hougang saw it.
Jamie: Haha, today has been an amazing day. Its funny how one rainbow can do so much. (:
"... Someday we'll find it-
The Rainbow Connection,
The lovers, the dreamers, and me. "
For dearest Joanna who didn't get to see it, and to Shana, yes i saw it all the way from Jurong to Harbourfront.
Found my connection,
Posted by Jamie at Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Worth the Cheeriness.
Today was a happy day. (:Reclining into bed at this hour at night after a hectic day makes me brim with joy for certain reasons worth the cheeriness. Although my feet and arms are on the brink of a surrender, i still have breath to rant about my day, so here goes. And because lists are so to the point, oganized, and an easy read, here's another of Jamie's lists. Why today is worth the cheeriness:1. I have braved a full day of work despite it being clouded by monday blues, and a hangover from late night badminton last night. 2. I know from my joyful cheeriness today, that i have made some customers very smiley- and that really means alot to me. Knowing that your heartfelt service to another has really been appreciated and enjoyed does make your day somewhat. 3. I have been generously associated with Pastry by an old lady today, as a means of finding substitutions for endearing terms. Although "Oh, how sweet of you Sweetiepie.." , " That would be nice of you, Cupcake!" and " Could you do that for me, Muffin?" were rather astonishing for me at first, it really lightened my day and brought me a few chuckles. Today I have thus also expanded my vocbulary for interesting terms of endearment.4. Today i watched the kueh chef skillfully at work making my favourite kueh, OndeOnde! I realised, it was actually just like tangyuan...hidden under lots of shaven coconut. Quite interesting, eh?5. I am addicted to a beautiful song from a film, and i am working at perfecting it on the piano. It is playing on my itunes right now, and it totally fits my mood. (: For anyone interested, it is the theme song that ends the movie in a Happily Ever After note, in Howl's Moving Castle, a Japanese animation film i watched only yesterday because the music caught my eye (or ear). Hear if for yourself! I can retire to my royal bed chambers and rest my tired self... and hopefully recharge myself in time for work tomorrow!7. I FEEL DETERMINED TO WORK OFF MY PUI-NESS! I am looking forward to going to the gym and working off all my lipids and polysaccharides and fattyness tomorrow!! 8. I am also looking forward to stuffing myself silly with yummylicious sake sushi food tomorrow at dinner. after going to the gym. hmmmm. 9. Lastly, my day is worth the cheer because, I know i can go to sleep in peace tonight not giving a damn about whether i eventually burn off more than i eat or eat more than i burn off tomorrow, because i love myself and everyone else in every shape, size and colour. Before i go, here's something to think about. A scene in the movie Howl's Moving Castle really caught me yesterday. Sophie ( the main protagnist) rescues Howl by putting his heart back into him after breaking a spell that previously bound him to a deal with a devil. Startled, and surprised to be alive and breathing again, the first words Howl manages to mutter weakly while lying sprawled on the floor are, " What's wrong with me? My body feels really heavy... " Sophie replies quietly with a smile of serenity. " That's because a heart is a heavy burden." Are hearts heavy burdens? Does having a heart empower us, yet happen to be what makes us most vulnerable? Are we human only because our hearts are capable of both good and bad? I should think so. Goodnight ya'll (:Oh Happy Day,Jamie.
Posted by Jamie at Monday, February 23, 2009
When I fall in Love, it will be;
When I fall in love it will be ;
Only a day
and yet
it will feel like forever
that i last saw his face
that i last felt his warm skin on mine.
How could i ever have thought
that love so simple
could be love so strong?
Dreams i dream of him
of us -everynight
And I will awake
every morning to find myself
smiling in that
very special way,
my eyes still closed.
The way he makes me laugh
oh, how he makes me smile
a smile which speaks
for more than itself
The beauty of his inner soul
his peculiar ways
his boyishness-
how it weakens my stone cold heart.
Just as i thought
the world didn't love
he brought back to me
the meaning of friendship
the meaning of love
the meaning of humanity.
How could i ever have thought
that love so simple
could be love so strong?
And when he reaches out
to warm my heart
my soul crumbles in an instant
he turns my soul into caramel,
that's what he does
a molten state of euphoria
so smooth and sticky and sweet to the soul.
As he holds my hand
and as we walk
I would wish it'd never end
As we stroll down the endless roads of life
though dark they may be
he let's me know
i will never be alone.
How could i ever have thought
that love so simple
could be love so strong?
Holding my hand
as we gaze across the sunset horizon
My head on his
in quiet serenity
in warm assurance
Feeling his heartbeat
against mine
Fingers intertwined
on the seaside we sit
looking at the beautiful world
pass us by
whilst our love remains.
How can love ever so simple, Be love ever so strong?
When I fall in love, it will be.
Posted by Jamie at Monday, February 23, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
A Gust of Wind picks up the Dust.
Strangely, albeit being admonished by my mom this morning, today has been a pretty interesting day for me. I should think this is firstly because, at times when we come under attack whether physically or verbally, we cacoon ourselves and retreat into ourselves. We start to look within, in hope of either protecting ourselves or searching for answers that could make sense of the situation around us. Therein, I believe after a rough morning, my mind was made very sensitive and awfully probing.
Its interesting though, sitting in a bus staring out through the window into a blank void spiralling from thought to thought. But because sometimes thoughts are so random, incoherent and far-fetched, they seem hardly worth expressing. Still, my day has been interesting for three main reasons. And because jamie has a queer fetish for lists, here she goes again:
1. For the first time in my life, i had a go with the body analysis machine that basically breaks our body down into specific measurements like muscle mass, fat percentage, bone mass, nutrition status and so on. I was really fascinated at the funny contraption though. I mean, HOW DOES A DORKY LITTLE MACHINE TELL SO MUCH ABOUT ME SIMPLY BY THE SOLES OF MY STINKY FEET AND THE PALMS OF MY SWEATY HANDS? its awesome man, really.
The analysis however (or should i say the cold hard truth), isn't all that awesome. I shall not even try to disclose it here for i will be put to unbearable shame. Well, here's a starter.. I AM 10.2% FAT! and 42.5kg muscle! oh heavens.. i dont even know what to start cursing at first. my disproportionate self, or my stupidity for stepping on the machine and finding out things i would have been happier off not knowing. Still, pretty interesting, eh?
2. After much mental tossing, i finally figured out why we ought to carry the same attitudes, yet different mindsets with regard to two things: Charity and Work. I am not going to try explaining it, though i would like share two things to start your train of thought (because i think this is a important thing we all must one day think about). For one, we must understand that although we take pride in putting effort into work that deserves due returns- whether by means of money or benefits, we must also see that charity involves working, and knowing that the person on the other end is in no position or capacity to return the deed due to his/her position or circumstance. In this sense, charity is therefore praiseworthy because we put the needs of others before ourselves, and pay extra attention to their situation, while paying none or little attention to the needs of ourselves. And, if the due return of our hard work in a job was money, charity parallels and yet differs in that sometimes there are other things more important we slowly learn to cherish, like gratitude, compassion and the joy of knowing you made a difference in someone else's life. I used to think there were double standards between doing work and doing charity, but now, i guess its time i learnt charity isn't just 'free work'. Its alot more than that. What does charity mean to you?
3. Lastly, today has been interesting because, after not going to school for a long time, i realised just how much i missed lessons- literature lessons in particular. Ever so often, people ask me why i study literature when it is a whole lot of flowery, nice-sounding, complicated rubbish that is hardly comprehended by the average man. My answer to that is, well. Literature sticks its foot in almost everything in life. Written by man, poems novels and short stories alike essentially stem from anything and everything in life. Through writing and language, we learn of issues- going to war, the birth of a daughter, queer friendship, immense loss, desiring death, we learn of emotions- bittersweet joy, pain, tension, even the inability to feel emotion. Although literature is a tad too fuzzy, airy and intangible at times, i guess, simply put, the beauty of it is being able to explain the realities of life in abstract terms. Admittedly, because it is also so very open to the indivisual's interpretation, it is often used as a good medium for expressing ourselves to others, while still hiding under the layer of words and playing masquerade with who ever so wishes to access our thoughts. And so, I shall leave you all tonight with a poem dedicated to a friend, about friendship.
Masons, when they start upon a building,
Are careful to test out the scaffolding;
Make sure that the planks won't slip at busy points,
Secure all ladders, tighten bolted joints.
And yet all this comes down when the job's done
Showing off walls of sure and solid stone.
So if, my dear, there sometimes seem to be
Old bridges breaking between you and me
Never fear. We may let the scaffolds fall
Confident that we have built our wall.
Isn't it cool how the concept of architecture can be used to explain friendship?
Cheers and night ya'll,
Posted by Jamie at Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
I never thought I'd ever enter this phase of life where life is nothing but a vast span of nine months, a blank sheet of paper waiting for me to colour in my life with experiences, nonsense and more. I believe i will almost never again have the immense luck of being allowed so much freedom and thus am determined to make the most of every bit of it. And because I like lists, i shall begin to stage my blogging comeback with one.
1. I shall occupy myself with constructive work and look for a meaningful internship
2. I shall be cordial to lofty, overbearing customers and smother them with my kindness
3. I shall not over-occupy myself with work, and instead make time for fun
4. I shall spend more time with codey
5. I shall find a studio dance course to take me away from my misery of not dancing
6. I shall not get fat
7. I shall hone my GuitarHeroes skills (or lack thereof) and not fail miserably while playing at beginner level
8. I shall memorize my scales
9. I shall tie myself to a tree and attempt to study for my driving test
10. I shall think of things to add to this list
Posted by Jamie at Monday, February 16, 2009